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Title | MIT Course |
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Type of Activity | Instructional Approach | Content Area | SDG |
OPT Production Game Assignment | D-Lab: Supply Chains |
Your assignment is to schedule a small job-shop with the objective to maximize your cash after two weeks. You start with $1500 and you must pay a fixed operating cost of $2500 at the end of each week. There are no loans available and you go out of business if you run out of cash. |
Paper | Other | Supply Chain | SDG 8 - Decent Work & Economic Growth |
GFDIII: Radial Inflow | Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics |
Demonstration for the course Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics. |
Demonstration | Other | Fluid Dynamics | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Problem Set 5: Particulate Transport | Ecology II: Engineering for Sustainability |
In this problem set you will be simulating particulate emissions from a single vehicle moving along a straight road with a cross wind. You will develop a particle tracking model to visualize the particulate plume and to compute atmospheric concentrations. |
Modeling/Simulation | Experiential Learning | Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Problem Set 8: Isostasy | Physics and Chemistry of the Terrestrial Planets |
Problem set for the course Physics and Chemistry of Terrestrial Planets. |
Problem Set | Other | Chemistry, Physics | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Final Research Presentation | Infrastructure and Energy Technology Challenges |
Students completed four two-page reaction papers, one 25-page final research paper, and presented a summary of their final paper in class. |
Presentation | Other | Energy | SDG 7 - Affordable & Clean Energy |
Assignment 1 - Hometown Analysis | Methods of Policy Analysis |
A critical part of creating policy is the data gathering process. What data can you find quickly and analyze? What do the data mean? What story can you tell using reliable data? What data do you need? Using your hometown as the subject of your investigation, assume that you are a policy analyst and you work for the new mayor or the new town or city council. What data can you use to tell a story about your hometown? Where is it located? How many people live there? What does it provide in terms of resources to the state? |
Presentation | Place-Based Learning | Policy | SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities |
GFDVIII: Thermal Wind and Hadley Circulation | Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics |
Demonstration for the course Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics. |
Demonstration | Other | Fluid Dynamics | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Online Blog - Research and Reflective Practice | Global Cityscope - Disaster Planning and Post-Disaster Rebuilding and Recovery |
Students will be expected to keep a blog where reflection assignments will be completed weekly. These assignments are geared to explore issues faced by planners during the planning process as well as document student professional growth and experiences working in multi-disciplinary teams. |
Blog Entries | Other | Urban Studies | SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities |
Assignment 4 (Theoretical Environmental Analysis) | Theoretical Environmental Analysis |
Problem set from the class Theoretical Environmental Analysis. |
Problem Set | Other | Biology, Earth Science | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Atmospheric Circulation | Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics |
Problem set for the course Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics. |
Problem Set | Other | Fluid Dynamics | SDG 15 - Life on Land |