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Title MIT Course Previewsort descending Type of Activity Instructional Approach Content Area SDG
Assignment 4: Food for Free Good Food: Ethics and Politics of Food

Please write 250-500 words (total) on the following questions.

Please go to Food for Free and have a look at the 2016 report on hunger in Massachusetts and write a reflection answering the questions above with respect to what you learned from these resources about Food for Free’s work.

  1. Please describe one idea that you found powerful. What message did you get from it?
  2. Please critically reflect on the message in your own terms. Do you see connections with readings we have done so far on food justice, food security, food sovereignty, the social meaning of food/water, capitalism, labor justice, waste, industrial agriculture?
  3. If you were to teach someone something you learned from the presentation, what would you tell them?
Paper Other Ethics SDG 2 - Zero Hunger
Weekly Responses Technology and the Global Economy, 1000-2000

Each week students will write a very brief (at most 2 paragraphs but could be just bullet points) response to the readings. These might offer comparisons between readings, a summary of the main arguments as you understand them, a series of questions the reading left you with, or if warranted the occasional rant about a particular reading.

Paper Other History SDG 1 - No Poverty
Field Research and Report Global Cityscope - Disaster Planning and Post-Disaster Rebuilding and Recovery

In this second phase, student teams will undertake in-depth research, analysis and design in project areas in Valparaíso. Once on the ground, students need to understand the requirements needed to realize goals and opportunities of the projects by assessing existing resources and assets, identifying critical obstacles and resources gaps to address, and defining other factors that shape effective strategies and interventions to generate the client’s desired revitalization goals for the district.

Field Report Experiential Learning Urban Studies SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
Introductory Exercise Writing about Nature and Environmental Issues

Search your memory for an encounter with a particular bird (it does not need to be a close encounter). Devote one page of your exercise to your description of the bird and its action. Do not include your thoughts or your feelings about the encounter on this page, but do try to evoke the entire sensory experience.

Paper Other Writing SDG 15 - Life on Land
Assignment 3: Activism Good Food: Ethics and Politics of Food

Please read Brian Martin, “Activism, Social and Political.” and reflect on the question: do we all have a moral responsibility to be engaged in activism in the current social context, (and if not all, then who)? You may consider activism on any topic, e.g., food security, animal welfare, LGBTQ rights, feminism, antiracism, smaller government, pro-life, pro-choice, prayer in public schools, or any other topic that matters to you.


Paper Other Ethics SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
Problem Set 5: Convection Physics and Chemistry of the Terrestrial Planets

Problem set for the course Physics and Chemistry of Terrestrial Planets. 

Problem Set Other Chemistry, Physics SDG 15 - Life on Land
Problem Set 2 The Art and Science of Negotiation

This problem set asks you to analyze your experience in a negotiation. To do well you will have to reflect carefully and analytically on your experience, assess the significance of different factors, and reason about the implications of this experience for future negotiations.

Problem Set Other Negotiation SDG 16 - Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
Assessing the Impacts of Growth in Lower Mystic (Assignment 3) Urban Transportation and Planning

A 15 page (max) double-spaced memo to the Boston Chief of Streets

Memo Place-Based Learning Urban Studies SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
Mini-Project: Affordable Rainwater Harvesting System D-Lab II: Design

The goal of the Mini Project is to design an affordable rainwater harvesting system that is made up of several small storage units that can be fit with attachments for drinking, cooking, hand washing and irrigation (and possibly other applications too). We will have a chance to experiment with some of the technologies that may influence the design (SODIS water bags, tippy tap hand washers and IDE drip irrigation kits) in class Ses #4.


Project Experiential Learning Design SDG 15 - Life on Land
Paper 2 Good Food: Ethics and Politics of Food

Paper 2 (1250 words (5 pages)): You have a choice of writing on topics distributed in class or on a topic you pose (original paper topics must be approved in advance). 


Paper Other Ethics SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
