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GFDX: Ekman Layers Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics

Demonstration for the course Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics

Demonstration Other Fluid Dynamics SDG 15 - Life on Land
Environmental Assessment Introduction to Environmental Policy and Planning

Most environmental planners presume that policy decisions regarding the use of natural resources and patterns of development can be enhanced through the application of various analytical tools.

  1. Explain why and how you agree or disagree with this, with reference to each of the tools discussed in Unit 3.
  2. What do you think are the relative strengths and limitations of each of the analytical tools we discussed in Unit 3?
Paper Other Urban Studies SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
Midterm Exam Environmental Policy and Economics

Midterm Exam for the course Environmental Policy and Economics. 

Problem Set Other Economics SDG 8 - Decent Work & Economic Growth
Assignment 3 - Observe a Public Meeting Methods of Policy Analysis

Attend a public meeting in the Boston area, take careful notes on the event, and report back in a succinct, well-organized informational memo. Be sure to also collect any materials distributed at the event for reference. Your memo should describe the organization, discuss where its power originates, identify the purpose of the meeting, explain the structure of the deliberative process used to collect input, and discuss what, if any, outcome resulted.

Memo Place-Based Learning Policy SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
Design@MIT D-Lab II: Design

Consider the objects and products you encounter every day while at MIT—all of these were designed. When looking at a design, it’s important to be critical, but in a constructive manner. It’s also important to recognize that there are very few instances where a design is totally great or totally terrible; there are typically good parts of a poor design, and vice versa.

Take a picture of two very different objects or products, one that you believe is a relatively bad design, and one that is a relatively good design. Discuss the pros and cons of each design, and why you have come to your overall “good” or “bad” conclusion. Also discuss what trade-offs and constraints the designers likely faced in developing these products, and how these challenges were managed.

Paper, Photographs Inquiry-Based Learning Design SDG 15 - Life on Land
Homework 9 Transport Processes in the Environment

Problem set for the course Transport Processes in the Environment.

Problem Set Other Environmental Transport Processes SDG 15 - Life on Land
Assignment 2 Building Technology Laboratory

The second phase of our first lab consists of three parts: 

  1.  Please calculate the thermal time constant, in minutes, from your experimental data, using the three methods to be given in lab this week.
  2. Construction of solar building. Please complete the construction of your solar building, using the design specifications given in lab last week.
  3. Estimation of air temperature inside your house.
Lab Architecture SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
Paper 2: Providing Expert Advice Energy, Environment, and Society: Global Politics, Technologies, And Ecologies of the Water-Energy-Food Crises

Wakanda's president recently created an interagency commission to address the challenges and opportunities in developing a policy framework of this nature. The interagency commission has called for a group of experts including: industrial leaders, worker's unions, local communities, scientists, social scientists, policy scholars, and foreign experts on comparative environmental governance.

You are one of the members of this last group. Your job is to advise how to better discuss, design, and implement a policy framework considering ecological, social, economic, and political aspects.

Paper Other Energy, Environment, Society SDG 7 - Affordable & Clean Energy
Assignment 2: Site Probes Big Plans and Mega-Urban Landscapes

In teams of 1, 2, OR 3, students will conduct visits to sites of their own choice. Using direct observation, photography, mapping, and online data collection, you will “probe” your site, uncovering social, political, economic, physical, and environmental conditions specific to that place.

Maps, Photographs, Verbal Summary, Written Report Place-Based Learning Urban Planning SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
Paper One Anthropology of Biology

Write a 7-page paper on one of the topics below. A strong paper will move beyond answering the question to advancing and defending an argument of your own about why the dynamics you discuss unfold as they do.


Paper Other Biology Varies
