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Title MIT Course Previewsort descending Type of Activity Instructional Approach Content Area SDG
Assignment 3: Big Plan Big Plans and Mega-Urban Landscapes

In Assignment 1, you explored the city through large-scale processes. In Assignment 2, you focused on unearthing key issues in specific Boston/Cambridge neighborhoods. For your final assignment, you will form your own vision, your own Big Plan.

Graphic Plans, Presentation, Visual Representation, Written Report Place-Based Learning Urban Planning SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
Drowned Out D-Lab I: Development

If you can't make it to the evening film screening, view DVD of Drowned Out on your own time prior to class on Ses #25.

Watch Movie Place-Based Learning Development SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
Final Project The Art and Science of Negotiation

The final project for class is a group project. It should, in the most general sense, explore in-depth an issue or problem in negotiation that interests you. As a starting point, you should be able to say what your point of departure is.

Paper Collaborative, Small Group Learning Negotiation SDG 16 - Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
GFDVI: Perrot’s Bathtub Experiment Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics

Demonstration for the course Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics

Demonstration Other Fluid Dynamics SDG 15 - Life on Land
Assignment 9 Building Technology Laboratory

Please read Chapters 1 and 2 of our textbook, Joseph Murdoch's Illuminating Engineering. How to do this

Please take on the following tasks:

  1. Illuminance measurements. Use an illuminance meter to record light levels in residential spaces, including those used for food preparation, reading, and such detailed manual labor as sewing or electronics repair (i.e., a home shop or work room).
  2. Review IES illuminance criteria (from Murdoch or, better, the IES Handbooks which are in the lab and in the Rotch reference collection) for activities you think appropriate for a Gujarati house.
  3. Define desired lighting levels and any issues about light quality for a Gujarati house, on the basis of Tasks 1 and 2.
  4. Use the illuminance meter to estimate reflectances for typical walls and floors, including those in your test rooms.
  5. Review IES data on surface reflectances.
  6. Define desired wall, floor and ceiling reflectances for upcoming daylighting models of Gujarati houses.
  7. Select a Gujarati house, select modeling materials, and construct a model. Please pay attention to:
  8. Accurate dimensions, with careful notes about choices when available information is inadequate.
Modeling/Simulation Experiential Learning Architecture SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
Disaster Mitigation Plans, Planners & Policies Global Cityscope - Disaster Planning and Post-Disaster Rebuilding and Recovery

Students will explore and analyze a mitigation plan in a U.S. city or town.

What is your town’s Mitigation Plan?

Decide on a town to research. We prefer that you use your hometown, if possible. As someone from the town, you will better understand town dynamics, town threats, town government, and maybe even town politics.

Find a copy of your town’s mitigation plan, if there is one, and analyze the plan.

Memo Other Urban Studies SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
Assignment 8 (Theoretical Environmental Analysis) Theoretical Environmental Analysis

Problem set from the class Theoretical Environmental Analysis.

Problem Set Other Biology, Earth Science SDG 15 - Life on Land
Paleoclimate Climate Physics and Chemistry

Problem set focused on paleoclimate from the course Climate Physics and Chemistry.

Problem Set Other Chemistry, Physics SDG 15 - Life on Land
Critiquing Science on Display Science Communication: A Practical Guide

Please tour the public galleries on display in the lobbies of the Broad Institute and the Koch Institute, which face one another across Main Street on the MIT campus. Then write brief notes (2–3 pages) that critically compare and contrast the approaches to exhibiting science of these two galleries.

Paper Other Communication SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
Science in the Blogosphere Science Communication: A Practical Guide

Identify a science blog of your choice from the Discover Magazine “stable” of blogs available at: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/, follow it for at least three days during the week preceding this class, and write a short critical review of it. What is the blog trying to do, and how well is it doing it? Come to class prepared to give a short (2 minute) review of your chosen blog.

Paper Other Communication SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
