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Final Exam Introduction to Environmental Policy and Planning

You will need to write three short essays for the final:

  • Choose any three questions from the options below.
  • Your responses should be approximately 500 words. Do not exceed 800 words for any answer. Include your word count below each response.
  • Please include your name at the top of the document and the question number next to each response.


Exam Other Urban Studies SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
Final paper Good Food: Ethics and Politics of Food

Option A: Option A: Expansion of paper 2. Based on feedback on paper 2, you will develop your argument in paper 3 (2500 words (10 pages)).

Option B: Option B: New paper. You will write on a topic that you pose. Please use the same topic proposal form that was distributed for paper 2. 1250 words (5 pages).

Paper Other Ethics SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
Final Paper Science Activism: Gender, Race, and Power

The final paper must be between 4000 and 5000 words and should either address in greater depth one of the case studies explored in class or develop a different case defined by an activist, movement, or event involving science activism after 1945 anywhere around the world.

Paper Other Activism SDG 16 - Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
Final Paper Food, Culture & Politics

Final Paper for Food Culture and Politics 

Paper Other Food SDG 2 - Zero Hunger
Final Paper (Course Version 20.005) Ethics for Engineers: Artificial Intelligence

The student is expected to turn in a 10–15 page paper by the last class, in which the ethical and technical issues of a problem are analyzed. This project is a chance for you to explore in greater depth a subject in biological engineering of particular interest to you that has ethical implications. We are open to any subject that relates to bioengineering and ethics, but some possible general topics include exploring the ethics of Crispr/Cas-9, cloning, stem cell research, human testing, GMOs, or human-animal hybrids.

Paper Other Ethics SDG 16 - Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
Final Paper (Course Version 6.9041) Ethics for Engineers: Artificial Intelligence

The student is expected to turn in a 20–25 page paper by the last class, in which the ethical and technical issues of a problem are analyzed.

Paper Other Ethics SDG 16 - Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
Final Presentation D-Lab II: Design

The Final Presentations will take place at the MIT Museum on the Saturday before our last week of class. The schedule of the event will be as follows:

  • The instructor for each class will give a 2 minutes introduction for the class and introduce the projects
  • Each team will give a 1 minute presentation about their project
  • Each team will be given a space at the Museum to showcase their project. You will be asked to bring your prototype and a poster that gives an overview of the project
Presentation Experiential Learning Design SDG 15 - Life on Land
Final Presentation Solving Complex Problems

Second, the class will make a final, one-two hour, oral presentation of its solution in early December. This presentation will be open to the entire MIT community. In addition, a panel of experts will be invited to attend the presentation and to critique them in an open forum. Because it would be logistically difficult for everyone to speak during the presentation, the staff recommends that each team elect one member to join a presentation committee that will choreograph the final presentation. The committee member should not bear sole responsibility for the work involved in developing the presentation!

Presentation Collaborative, Small Group Learning Energy SDG 7 - Affordable & Clean Energy
Final Presentations (Ethics in your Life) Ethics In Your Life: Being Thinking Doing (or Not?)

During the last two classes of the term, each student will give a 5–7 minute presentation on their own ethical perspective, as developed over the course of the term.

The presentation should begin with a clear statement of your question or topic and its ethical significance, and then explain how your thinking on the topic has progressed over the semester.

We are looking for you not to just state your opinion on a question, but to think about it in some depth and show us how your line of thought has changed over the course of your investigation. If you've changed your mind on the question, great; but if you haven't changed your mind, that's fine too. If you don't have a settled opinion and are still unsure what to think, even better! We just want to hear how you've engaged with alternative points of view on the question and what you've learned from doing so.

Presentation Inquiry-Based Learning Social Studies SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
Final Project Climate Change Seminar

Each student is expected to research, present, and write-up a final project. The presentations will be about 15 minutes long and take place during the last three class sessions. The final project write-up should be about 15 pages long (other formats possible for non-standard projects—see instructor for permission).

Project Inquiry-Based Learning Varies SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
