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Assignment 4: Food for Free Good Food: Ethics and Politics of Food

Please write 250-500 words (total) on the following questions.

Please go to Food for Free and have a look at the 2016 report on hunger in Massachusetts and write a reflection answering the questions above with respect to what you learned from these resources about Food for Free’s work.

  1. Please describe one idea that you found powerful. What message did you get from it?
  2. Please critically reflect on the message in your own terms. Do you see connections with readings we have done so far on food justice, food security, food sovereignty, the social meaning of food/water, capitalism, labor justice, waste, industrial agriculture?
  3. If you were to teach someone something you learned from the presentation, what would you tell them?
Paper Other Ethics SDG 2 - Zero Hunger
Assignment 5 Environmental Policy and Economics

Problem set for the course Environmental Policy and Economics. 

Problem Set Other Economics SDG 8 - Decent Work & Economic Growth
Assignment 5 Building Technology Laboratory

The goal of this assignment, the first phase of the lab project that focuses on airflows and building ventilation, is to design, construct in model form, and test an enclosure (partial or full) for a typical balcony for a Chinese apartment. The motivation for this work is to propose feasible designs for Chinese residential buildings that are thermally comfortable and use a minimal amount of energy.

Modeling/Simulation Experiential Learning Architecture SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
Assignment 5 (Theoretical Environmental Analysis) Theoretical Environmental Analysis

Problem set from the class Theoretical Environmental Analysis.

Problem Set Other Biology, Earth Science SDG 15 - Life on Land
Assignment 5: Personal Reflection Good Food: Ethics and Politics of Food

Please write 250-500 words (total) addressing the questions below.

  1. Please describe one idea you encountered during this course that you found powerful.
  2. Please critically reflect on the idea in your own terms. What makes it powerful or meaningful to you? How is it related to things you had thought before taking the course? How does it connect (or disconnect) with ideas that you take to be common or popular?
  3. Is there any way in which the course has affected your actions and choices (note that “not at all” is an option!)? Do you think any of the arguments should prompt you to change your actions, even you aren’t inclined to change? Are there ways they may change your actions in the future? (Why or why not?)
Paper Other Ethics SDG 13 - Climate Action
Assignment 6 Building Technology Laboratory

The second week of our airflow lab focuses on airflow measurements and analysis.


Lab Experiential Learning Architecture SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
Assignment 6 (Theoretical Environmental Analysis) Theoretical Environmental Analysis

Problem set from the class Theoretical Environmental Analysis.

Problem Set Other Biology, Earth Science SDG 15 - Life on Land
Assignment 7 Building Technology Laboratory

The third week of our airflow lab focuses on simulation:

  1. Prepare to use the CONTAMW airflow simulation program, installed on two working computers in lab and available free to all with Windows computers. 
  2. Become proficient in CONTAMW by completing the provided worksheet.
  3. Use CONTAMW for the following investigation of your apartment-balcony, working at full (and not model) scale:


Modeling/Simulation Experiential Learning Architecture SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
Assignment 7 (Theoretical Environmental Analysis) Theoretical Environmental Analysis

Problem set from the class Theoretical Environmental Analysis.

Problem Set Other Biology, Earth Science SDG 15 - Life on Land
Assignment 8 Building Technology Laboratory

The fourth week of our airflow lab is in two phases: 

  1. Please prepare an occupants’ manual for your Chinese apartment. Passively conditioned buildings require occupant involvement, much more than buildings with mechanical systems that ensure thermostat set points are maintained. Your apartment occupants can inhabit any of the rooms and can adjust the balcony openings and apartment windows and doors in a number of ways, for different wind and outdoor temperature conditions. 
  2. Please consider the effect of airflow on the rate at which a miniature structure (even smaller than our elf houses) cools off. This is intended to combine thermal and airflow analysis.
Modeling/Simulation Experiential Learning Architecture SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
