Lessons & Activities Search
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MIT Course | Preview | Type of Activity | Instructional Approach | Content Area | SDG |
Methane Leaks Hackathon | Climate Action Hands-On: Harnessing Science with Communities to Cut Carbon |
Objective: Participants get practical background on methane leaks, and initial hands-on experience with the tools for detecting leaks, measuring the volume of gas released from a leak, and tracking and visualizing leaks.
Hackathon | Experiential Learning | Communities | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Methane Leaks Field trip | Climate Action Hands-On: Harnessing Science with Communities to Cut Carbon |
Objective: Hands-on field activity collecting data on real-word methane leaks from natural gas infrastructure in Cambridge and Somerville MA. Familiarize two sets of 5–8 participants with the tools and methods. |
Field Trip | Place-Based Learning | Communities | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Material Stream | D-Lab: Waste |
Second Reflection The goal of this paper is to explore a difficult waste stream by either looking at it through: A specific waste stream and the types of processes / disposal that can be used or evaluating a case study on how a difficult waste stream is disposed in an area. Difficult wastes are those which can be harmful to human health or the environment, or where the physical properties of the wastes can create serious handling problems. |
Paper | Other | Waste | SDG 6 - Clean Water & Sanitation |
Living with AIDS | D-Lab I: Development |
If you can't make it to the evening film screening, view DVD of Living with AIDS (On the Frontlines of AIDS) on your own time prior to class in Ses #30. |
Watch Movie | Other | Development | SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-Being |
Legal and Business Actions, Methane Leak Data Debrief | Climate Action Hands-On: Harnessing Science with Communities to Cut Carbon |
Objectives: Discuss two examples of how data can inform public decision-making: using citizen-collected data in legal cases, and developing a more accurate and consistent measure of the carbon footprints of goods and services. Debrief of methane leak data collected on the prior field trip session.
Lecture | Other | Communities | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Labs | Exploring Sea, Space, & Earth: Fundamentals of Engineering Design |
A list of labs and their associated directions for the course Exploring Sea, Space & Earth: Fundamentals of Engineering Design |
Lab | Experiential Learning | Engineering | SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure |
Laboratory | Materials in Human Experience |
Part of the exploration of the materials and engineering aspects of each case study will be accomplished through hands-on laboratory experience with the materials in question: glass, copper and its alloys, and rubber. |
Lab Report or Lab Manual | Experiential Learning | Material Science | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Lab Notebook Review | Exploring Sea, Space, & Earth: Fundamentals of Engineering Design |
Each class member is required to keep an up-to-date design notebook throughout the term. It is a good design practice to carefully document the history of your work. Also, notebooks are required in professional practice.
Lab Report or Lab Manual, Other | Experiential Learning | Engineering | SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure |
Lab 8: Dissolution of the Gypsum and the Laminar Sub-Layer | Transport Processes in the Environment |
You will use two methods to estimate the laminar sub-layer thickness in the laboratory flume. The first method is based on the observed dissolution rate of Gypsum bars, and is described below.
Lab | Experiential Learning | Environmental Transport Processes | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Lab 7: Rivers | Introduction to Geology |
This exercise will provide some hands-on experience with methods used for predicting flood frequency and magnitude. We will be using the US Geological Survey (USGS) website to retrieve historical stream gauge data of the sort used to predict the likelihood of flood events of particular magnitudes during a given time interval. Such predictions are the basis for numerous engineering, restoration and development projects in and around rivers. We will retrieve data for a river in Oregon, use a spreadsheet to analyze the data, and assess the probability of occurrence of floods of particular magnitudes (in terms of discharge), or the likely magnitudes of events of a given recurrence interval. We will then repeat the exercise for the Taunton River in southeastern Massachusetts. |
Lab | Experiential Learning | Geology | SDG 15 - Life on Land |