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Lab 6: Geological Mapping Introduction to Geology

In this lab exercise on mapping, you’ll have the chance to get a fairly realistic picture of how geologists go about making a geological map. Think of the lab room as a land area of 10 km2 with no topographic relief. Assume that the land surface is the tabletops, but that there’s enough local relief for you to see bedrock outcrops (i.e. the rocks on the tables).


Lab Experiential Learning Geology SDG 15 - Life on Land
Lab 5: Earthquakes Parts 1 and 2 Introduction to Geology

The purpose of today’s lab is to explore the relationship between the velocity of seismic waves and the properties of the materials they travel through (Temperature, pressure, stiffness, density…). We will focus on seismic shear-waves (S-waves), which are elastic vibrations in the direction perpendicular to their direction of propagation.

Lab Experiential Learning Geology SDG 15 - Life on Land
Lab 4: Transport in Porous Media Transport Processes in the Environment

Objective: Use a tracer study to estimate the dispersion coefficient, pore velocity and porosity of a sediment column. 

Lab Experiential Learning Environmental Transport Processes SDG 15 - Life on Land
Lab 4: Plate Tectonics Introduction to Geology

Lab on plate tectonics. 


You have been assigned to one of four scientific specialties and to one of four plates or plate groupings.

The scientific specialties are:

  1. Seismology
  2. Volcanology
  3. Geomorphology
  4. Geochronology

The plates or plate groupings are:

  1. North American Plate
  2. Pacific Plate
  3. African Plate
  4. Eurasian Plate

Each scientific specialty group has been provided a world map showing data relevant to locating plate boundaries and understanding plate boundary processes. Each student will be provided two blank maps. You will mark these as described below and turn them in at the end of the exercise.

Lab Experiential Learning Geology SDG 15 - Life on Land
Lab 3: Residence Time Distribution and System Circulation Transport Processes in the Environment

Objectives: Estimate detention time and nominal residence time in a model basin

Lab Experiential Learning Environmental Transport Processes SDG 15 - Life on Land
Lab 3: Geochronology Introduction to Geology

An introductory lab on geochronology from the course Introduction to Geology.

Problem Set Other Geology SDG 15 - Life on Land
Lab 2: Rock Identification Introduction to Geology

This lab constitutes four parts. In the first three sessions, you will familiarize yourselves with the characteristics of – and learn to describe, identify and interpret – the three main types of rock: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.

Lab Experiential Learning Geology SDG 15 - Life on Land
Lab 2: Measuring Velocity in a Channel Transport Processes in the Environment

Goals: Measure the mean velocity in the laboratory flume using two different methods, and determine whether these estimates agree within the uncertainty.


Lab Experiential Learning Environmental Transport Processes SDG 15 - Life on Land
Lab 1: Mineral Identification Introduction to Geology

Although more than 2,000 different mineral species have been identified, only 25 or 30 are abundant constituents of rocks. The purpose of this exercise is to acquaint you with these common rock-forming minerals. The most diagnostic physical properties of these minerals are listed in the Mineral Identification Index.

Lab Experiential Learning Geology SDG 15 - Life on Land
Lab 10: Atmosphere-Water Exchange Transport Processes in the Environment

You will estimate the rate of exchange between a water body (the flume) and the overlying air for two volatile compounds, molecular oxygen and chloroform. You will use an oxygen electrode to measure the changing concentration of oxygen, and gas chromatography (GC) to observe the concentration of chloroform.

Lab Experiential Learning Environmental Transport Processes SDG 15 - Life on Land
