Lessons & Activities Search
Title | MIT Course | Preview | Type of Activity | Instructional Approach | Content Area | SDG |
Short Journal Article | Nuclear Systems Design Project |
This second journal article should be a brief (1,500 words or less) compendium of the technical results that YOU specifically have contributed to your group’s work. It’s OK if you worked in pairs with someone, though please try to distinguish what you did if possible
Paper | Other | Nuclear Science | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Shading Studies & Sun Path Diagrams (Assignment 2) | Environmental Technologies in Buildings |
The objective of this assignment is to validate the results of direct shading studies provided by DIVA/Radiance and other tools. To do so, you are asked to take a photo of an object of your choice outside at least twice at different times of day under clear sky conditions. You are then asked to model the object in Rhino and generate two clear sky visualizations under the same sky conditions from about the same perspective as the photo. |
Modeling/Simulation | Experiential Learning | Architecture | SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities |
Select a Site | The Once and Future City |
In 2016, MIT will celebrate the hundredth anniversary of its move from Boston's Back Bay to the current location in Cambridge. To honor that occasion, this year the class will focus on MIT's former and current neighborhoods, so you should select a site within the designated boundaries in Cambridge or the Back Bay. The site should be between four and eight blocks. Ideally, it should include more than one type of land use. And it should be a place that intrigues you. Reflect on why it interests you, why you are drawn to it. What questions does the place raise, for which you hope to find answers this semester?
Paper | Place-Based Learning | Urban Studies | SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities |
Sector Paper | D-Lab I: Development |
Write a five-page paper (double-spaced, not including figures, tables or pictures) describing the current state of affairs in your country in one of the sectors that we have studied in class: |
Paper | Place-Based Learning | Development | SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure |
Section 3: Aerosol and Clouds | Experimental Atmospheric Chemistry |
Lab handouts for Section 3 of experiemental atmospheric chemistry. |
Lab | Experiential Learning | Chemistry | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Section 2: CO2 and Climate Change | Experimental Atmospheric Chemistry |
Lab on CO2 and Climate Change for Experimental Atmospheric Chemistry. |
Lab | Experiential Learning | Chemistry | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Section 1: Atmospheric Photochemistry and Air Pollution | Experimental Atmospheric Chemistry |
Lab on Atmospheric Photochemistry and Air Pollution for Experimental Atmospheric Chemistry. |
Lab | Experiential Learning | Chemistry | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Science in the Blogosphere | Science Communication: A Practical Guide |
Identify a science blog of your choice from the Discover Magazine “stable” of blogs available at: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/, follow it for at least three days during the week preceding this class, and write a short critical review of it. What is the blog trying to do, and how well is it doing it? Come to class prepared to give a short (2 minute) review of your chosen blog. |
Paper | Other | Communication | SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure |
Scenario Presentations | Introduction to Environmental Policy and Planning |
Each student must make three oral presentations focused on three of the 14 scenarios available in this section. Two students will sign up at the start of the semester for each scenario. The third presenter will be selected at the beginning of the class to speak about that day's scenario. Students will be graded on both their answers to the assigned questions and the clarity of their presentation. Short descriptions are provided below. These presentations account for up to 30 points of your final grade.
Presentation | Collaborative, Small Group Learning | Urban Studies | SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities |
Responses Paper | Infrastructure and Energy Technology Challenges |
A response paper communicates your intellectual reactions to an idea in the articles and papers we read for class. Much like a book review, the response paper usually provides your overall point of view regarding the material read. |
Paper | Other | Energy | SDG 7 - Affordable & Clean Energy |