Lessons & Activities Search
Title | MIT Course |
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Type of Activity | Instructional Approach | Content Area | SDG |
GFDXIII: Ocean Gyres | Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics |
Demonstration for the course Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics. |
Demonstration | Other | Fluid Dynamics | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
In the Elevator or Hallway: Talking Informally about Science | Science Communication: A Practical Guide |
Come to class prepared to speak informally and briefly (maximum 2 minutes) about a topic in science, technology, or engineering that interests you. Assume your audience is intelligent but knows little or nothing about the subject. |
Speech | Other | Communication | SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure |
Midterm Exam | Sustainability: Political Economy, Science, and Policy |
The purpose of this mid-term is for you to:
Exam | Other | Political Science | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
GFDII: Convection | Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics |
Demonstration for the course Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics. |
Demonstration | Other | Fluid Dynamics | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Exam #3 | Ecology I: The Earth System |
Approximately 50% of the quiz will cover new material: everything from Lecture 14 (Human Population Growth on November 3rd) through Lecture 18 (Prof. Sterman’s Lecture on November 19th) including competition and the niche, predation, and biogeography. The remaining 50% will be cumulative, and may cover anything from Lecture 1 through Lecture 13. This includes the early earth, redox reactions, energy transformations and metabolism, biogeochemical cycles, the carbon cycle, primary and secondary productivity, Redfield ratio and limiting factors, ecosystem experiments, food webs, population growth, chemostats, and life tables. Like Quiz 1 and 2, the questions will be primarily short answer, which can be responded to with a few sentences, a sketch with a description, or a brief calculation. We could also ask you to interpret a graph/data or give you a discussion question. Use Problem Sets 1-3, the Quiz 3 Study Questions, the Lecture Notes, and the Lecture Handouts as a top priority for studying. Make sure you are familiar with the articles that have been assigned. Remember to bring a calculator! |
Study Guide | Other | Ecology | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Tutorials | D-Lab: Water Climate Change and Health |
The tutorial is an opportunity to pick a topic of your choice from the universe of topics pertaining to the subjects of water, climate change, and health and share that with the class. The tutorial will be undertaken either with one teammate, or individually. It can be done in any format of your choice, with creative, non-traditional pedagogies (eg. demos, games, workshops, other activities) most welcome. There will be roughly one tutorial per week. |
Presentation | Inquiry-Based Learning | Varies | SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals |
Artifacts, Layers, Traces, and Trends | The Once and Future City |
Now the objective is to find traces of these changes present in the current environment and to interpret their significance. Many of you were attracted to your site because of some anomalous features that puzzled you and made you wonder why they were there and what had caused them to be. This is an opportunity to explore some answers to such puzzles. |
Paper | Place-Based Learning | Urban Studies | SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities |
Problem Set 2 | Energy Economics |
This problem set reviews your knowledge of multivariate regression analysis. |
Problem Set | Other | Economics | SDG 8 - Decent Work & Economic Growth |
Assignment 1: Elemental Case Study | Big Plans and Mega-Urban Landscapes |
Small group project exploring the urban/planning implications of water, food, “nature” (however specifically defined), energy, and communications in the Boston area. Each small group will be assigned an “element” to research and document.
Group Presentation, Visual Representation, Written Report | Place-Based Learning | Urban Planning | SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities |
GFD0: Rotation Stiffens Fluids | Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics |
Demonstration for the course Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics. |
Demonstration | Other | Fluid Dynamics | SDG 15 - Life on Land |