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Methane Leaks Field trip Climate Action Hands-On: Harnessing Science with Communities to Cut Carbon

Objective: Hands-on field activity collecting data on real-word methane leaks from natural gas infrastructure in Cambridge and Somerville MA. Familiarize two sets of 5–8 participants with the tools and methods.

Field Trip Place-Based Learning Communities SDG 15 - Life on Land
Methane Leaks Hackathon Climate Action Hands-On: Harnessing Science with Communities to Cut Carbon

Objective: Participants get practical background on methane leaks, and initial hands-on experience with the tools for detecting leaks, measuring the volume of gas released from a leak, and tracking and visualizing leaks.


Hackathon Experiential Learning Communities SDG 15 - Life on Land
Midterm Exam Sustainability: Political Economy, Science, and Policy

The purpose of this mid-term is for you to:

  • Show your grasp of the challenges in this course
  • Demonstrate your understanding of the reading assignments and relationship to the seminar discussions
  • Show understanding of sustainability issues at this point, and on this basis
  • Obtain some feedback from the instructor as relevant
  • It would be useful to outline your answers before actually writing. Since you will demonstrate familiarity with the assigned readings, please feel free to draw from materials across various weeks - as needed.
Exam Other Political Science SDG 15 - Life on Land
Midterm Exam Environmental Policy and Economics

Midterm Exam for the course Environmental Policy and Economics. 

Problem Set Other Economics SDG 8 - Decent Work & Economic Growth
Midterm Exam Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics

Midterm exam for Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics fluid dynamics 

Problem Set Other Fluid Dynamics SDG 15 - Life on Land
Mini-Project: Affordable Rainwater Harvesting System D-Lab II: Design

The goal of the Mini Project is to design an affordable rainwater harvesting system that is made up of several small storage units that can be fit with attachments for drinking, cooking, hand washing and irrigation (and possibly other applications too). We will have a chance to experiment with some of the technologies that may influence the design (SODIS water bags, tippy tap hand washers and IDE drip irrigation kits) in class Ses #4.


Project Experiential Learning Design SDG 15 - Life on Land
My Energy Essay (Assignment 1) Environmental Technologies in Buildings

 In this first assignment you are invited to reflect about your past and envision your future building energy use.


Paper Other Architecture SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
National Environmental Policy-making Introduction to Environmental Policy and Planning

Given what you have read in Unit 1 and what we have discussed in class, provide the simplest model you can of national environmental policy-making for any country you choose. 

Paper Place-Based Learning Urban Studies SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
Negotiation Exercise The Art and Science of Negotiation

Throughout the course you will participate in role-playing negotiation exercises. You will be assigned a role, partnered with one or more other students, given a case with instructions and confidential information, and asked to prepare and negotiate.

Other Experiential Learning Negotiation SDG 16 - Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
Ocean and Climate Climate Physics and Chemistry

Problem set focused on paleoclimate from the course Climate Physics and Chemistry.

Problem Set Other Chemistry, Physics SDG 14 - Life Below Water
