Lessons & Activities Search
Title | MIT Course | Preview | Type of Activity | Instructional Approach | Content Area | SDG |
Discussion Questions 1 | D-Lab II: Design |
Write short answers to the following questions and submit them. |
Problem Set | Inquiry-Based Learning | Design | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
GFDV: Inertial Circles | Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics |
Demonstration for the course Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics. |
Demonstration | Other | Fluid Dynamics | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Design Project Work | D-Lab II: Design |
This is a series of assignments around a design project for the course D-Lab II: Design. |
Project | Experiential Learning | Design | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Assignment 6 (Theoretical Environmental Analysis) | Theoretical Environmental Analysis |
Problem set from the class Theoretical Environmental Analysis. |
Problem Set | Other | Biology, Earth Science | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Discussion Question - Famine Relief | Ethics In Your Life: Being Thinking Doing (or Not?) |
In his clip from Examined Life, Peter Singer argues that we should all be giving substantial amounts of money and/or time to famine relief, e.g., by giving to Oxfam. He draws on an analogy: suppose you were walking by a shallow pond and a child was drowning. All you need to do to save her life is wade in and help her, though you would ruin your nice shoes. You are morally required to sacrifice your shoes to save the child's life. He argues: children are dying every day from famine. If you restrict yourself to what you really need and sacrifice luxuries, giving the money you save to famine relief, you will save many lives. So you are morally required to do so. What do you think of the analogy?
Discussion | Collaborative, Small Group Learning | Social Studies | SDG 2 - Zero Hunger |
Homework 9: How to tell a story | Data Storytelling Studio: Climate Change |
Read Paige Williams, “How to tell a story: The Moth.” Nieman Storyboard (Harvard), August 2012. Choose and listen to one Moth Story. Write down and bring to class your analysis, as Paige Williams lists in her article’s item #3. |
Read and Analyze | Other | Data Visualization | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Ocean Physics and Climate | Climate Physics and Chemistry |
The object of this problem set is to explore climate sensitivity in a slightly more complex version of the multi-level radiative-convective model discussed in class. |
Problem Set | Other | Chemistry, Physics | SDG 15 - Life on Land |
Assignment 2: Bibliographic Essay and Annotated Bibliography | Introduction to Environmental History |
For this assignment, you will choose a subject within the broad heading of exploration and environment, and write a bibliographic essay about it. What you write about for this assignment will also be the subject of your third assignment—a ten-page research paper—so you will want to chose your topic carefully. It should be broad enough to allow you to analyze political, cultural, economic and ecological factors, but narrow enough to allow you to construct a convincing and well-reasoned argument.
Paper | Other | History | Varies |
Assignment 3: Exploration and Environment | Introduction to Environmental History |
In planning your paper, you will have to make a number of decisions, some of which you’ve already done. You’ve already chosen the subject upon which you will base your essay (if you’re not happy with this choice, you may still change your mind, but it will mean repeating many of the steps you’ve already taken): now it’s time to focus in on some aspect of your topic and how it relates to the environment. How did nonhuman environments shape or impact the expedition or explorer you focus on? How did a particular moment in exploration change the way people understand the natural world, or the way we live in it? |
Paper | Other | History | Varies |
Environmental Ethics | Introduction to Environmental Policy and Planning |
Traditionally economists have argued that humans are utility maximizers, although some behavioral economists and social psychologists have recently raised questions about this. With this in mind, please write a paper addressing the following questions. |
Paper | Other | Urban Studies | SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities |