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Problem Set 5 Energy Economics

Problem set from the course Energy Economics.

Problem Set Other Economics SDG 8 - Decent Work & Economic Growth
Waste Technology D-Lab: Waste

First Reflection
Subject: Waste Management Technology

Use this reflection to explore a waste management technology with one of three lenses:

  1. Technologies for a specific material stream - Choose one material and examine the technologies used to process / treat that material
  2. Technology Case Study - Choose three areas (cities, communities, government jurisdiction) and compare the technologies used in the three areas
  3. Specific Technology - Explore a technology in depth, its application, scale of use and considerations for purchase and implementation (like cost, size, etc.)
Paper Other Waste SDG 6 - Clean Water & Sanitation
Midterm Exam Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics

Midterm exam for Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics fluid dynamics 

Problem Set Other Fluid Dynamics SDG 15 - Life on Land
Problem Set 6 Energy Economics

Problem set from the course Energy Economics.

Problem Set Other Economics SDG 8 - Decent Work & Economic Growth
Ocean and Climate Climate Physics and Chemistry

Problem set focused on paleoclimate from the course Climate Physics and Chemistry.

Problem Set Other Chemistry, Physics SDG 14 - Life Below Water
Short Journal Article Nuclear Systems Design Project

This second journal article should be a brief (1,500 words or less) compendium of the technical results that YOU specifically have contributed to your group’s work. It’s OK if you worked in pairs with someone, though please try to distinguish what you did if possible


Paper Other Nuclear Science SDG 15 - Life on Land
My Energy Essay (Assignment 1) Environmental Technologies in Buildings

 In this first assignment you are invited to reflect about your past and envision your future building energy use.


Paper Other Architecture SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities & Communities
GFDXIV: Thermohaline Circulation Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics

Demonstration for the course Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics

Demonstration Other Fluid Dynamics SDG 15 - Life on Land
Living with AIDS D-Lab I: Development

If you can't make it to the evening film screening, view DVD of Living with AIDS (On the Frontlines of AIDS) on your own time prior to class in Ses #30.

Watch Movie Other Development SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-Being
Final Exam Introduction to Sustainable Energy

This is a take-home quiz. You may use any class notes, texts, or other reliable sources that you wish, but be sure to cite any sources you use. State all assumptions made.

Exam Other Energy SDG 7 - Affordable & Clean Energy
