
TILclimate (Today I Learned: Climate) is an award-winning MIT podcast that breaks down the science, technologies, and policies behind climate change, how it's impacting us, and what we can do about it. 


Below is a quick preview of the episodes that have been released and a description of the topics covered within each episode. The links provided take you directly to the podcast epsidoe on MIT's Climate Portal or to the educator guides that accompany each episode.


We also encourage you to browse the episodes of the TILclimate podcast directly on the Climate Portal.

Today I Learned Description of Episode Learn more at Accompanying Educator Guide
TIL about the changing ocean The ocean is a critical piece of the climate change puzzle. It's estimated that the ocean has absorbed about one third of the excess CO2 humans have added to the atmosphere and more than 90% of trapped heat in the atmosphere. So, today, we’re going underwater to talk about the ocean and climate change with renowned marine biologist Dr. Sylvia Earle. https://climate.mit.edu/podcasts/til-about-the-changing-ocean
TIL what it costs Today’s episode is about the money of climate change. When people talk about how much it costs to stop climate change, what are we paying for? And who’s paying, exactly? And if we don’t pay to stop climate change – how much will that cost us? To answer these questions, we spoke with Dr. Barbara Buchner from the Climate Policy Initiative.  https://climate.mit.edu/podcasts/til-what-it-costs
TIL about what I eat Today we bring climate change to the dining room table. In this episode, we reinvited Dr. Cynthia Rosenzweig onto the TILclimate podcast to tell us just a little more about the connections between the food we eat and climate change. https://climate.mit.edu/podcasts/til-about-what-i-eat
TIL about farming a warmer planet Over the last fifty years, humans have made remarkable progress in reducing hunger around the world. How can we keep our farms and food system resilient in a warming climate? Dr. Cynthia Rosenzweig, Senior Research Scientist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, joins host Laur Hesse Fisher on this episode of TILclimate to explain how climate change is already impacting our global food system. https://climate.mit.edu/podcasts/til-about-farming-a-warmer-planet
TIL about planting trees In our last episode, we talked about using technology to suck out extra carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. But you might also be thinking—don’t trees do that? Yeah, they do! In fact, some people have proposed that by planting enough trees, we could make a big dent on climate change. In this episode of TILclimate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Charles Harvey helps us answer the question: could we just plant a whole lot of trees to solve our climate problem? https://climate.mit.edu/podcasts/til-about-planting-trees
TIL about removing CO2 from the atmosphere We’ve had people ask us, if climate change is caused by adding too much CO2 into the atmosphere, can’t we just suck it back out? Won’t that solve our climate change problem? In this episode of TILclimate (Today I Learned: Climate), Professor Niall Mac Dowell of Imperial College London joins host Laur Hesse Fisher to demystify the process and feasibility of removing CO2 from the atmosphere. https://climate.mit.edu/podcasts/til-about-removing-co2-from-the-atmosphere
TIL about national security Is climate change really a national security issue, in the same way we think about terrorism or nuclear weapons? And if so, what are our governments doing about it? In this episode of TILclimate (Today I Learned: Climate), national security expert Alice C. Hill joins host Laur Hesse Fisher to help answer these questions.  https://climate.mit.edu/podcasts/til-about-national-security
TIL about sea level rise, part 2 Sea level rise is already happening and affecting people right now. We invited Prof. James Renwick back to TILclimate to talk about the near future: what will sea level rise look like for coastal areas in the next 20 or 30 years, and what can we do about it? https://climate.mit.edu/podcasts/til-about-sea-level-rise-part-2
TIL about sea level rise, part 1 If you’ve heard only one thing about climate change, it might be that sea levels are rising and many of the Earth’s islands and coastlines are at risk. But why? In this episode of TILclimate (Today I Learned: Climate), Professor James Renwick of Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand joins host Laur Hesse Fisher to break down the science of sea level rise and what’s in store for the future if we do — and don’t — significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. https://climate.mit.edu/podcasts/til-about-sea-level-rise-part-1
TIL what Americans think about climate change Surveys show that both left- and right-leaning Americans support policies that slow climate change. So why aren’t we seeing more of these policies pass as legislation? In this episode of TILclimate (Today I Learned: Climate), MIT alum Parrish Bergquist joins host Laur Hesse Fisher to explain the significance of public opinion and climate change: what people believe, what influences their opinion and how policies are implemented. https://climate.mit.edu/podcasts/e1-til-what-americans-think-about-climate-chang...
